“Do not worship except Allah ; and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy
And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah.” Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing.” Surah Baqarah Ayat 83
all heard sayings like “If you have nothing good to say then don’t say it” but we realize this is actually difficult in practice.
We at some point in our life say things we regret and wish we could take back. So, this quote from the Quran is just a reminder that nothing good comes from screaming negativity
A useful tactic I’ve learned when you’re angry or about to send a ‘passionate’ email with strong wording is to just wait one day.
If you feel the same way tomorrow morning then go ahead and press send but you’ll notice you won’t be as emotionally invested in letting the other party know exactly how you feel.
After all, it’s better to take the high road, it’s less crowded.
Quran Barakah
Quran Barakah offers Quran courses for kids, adults, males, females and newly revert Muslims. Specially designed online Quran courses for the kids to learn the Quran in a joyful environment.
We only use qualified Arab Quran teachers for all Quran courses as its their native language. Then Start learning Quran online in one-to-one classes
Our Mission & Vision
As one of the foundational online institutes for teaching Arabic & Quran, our vision is to continue being a leader in the industry and offering the best educational experiences for our students.To provide the highest quality of learning to non-native students and make sure all have the opportunity to learn.
One of our most distinguishing objectives is to help the next Muslim generation move towards a peaceful global world and present the real peaceful image of Islam by providing Quranic and Islamic education.
read more about us from here